Herba Kit
Amanda Lucey
Herba Kit is a futuristic invisible medicinal kit for your home and travels. Because of its book style exterior, it can hide in your bookshelf easily. This futuristic kit also bring history, culture and tradition along, by having natural and traditional remedies instead of over the counter modern medicine we use today.
Inside this kit there are 24 herbs and fruits that’ll help you with your needed remedy. The book also includes a booklet that has all the information of each herbs and it’s benefits for you, and also the different recipes of remedies.
Process Shots and Research
My main topic of research into this project is medical. In my research it included Nanobots, Medicine, Psychology and etc. Through many ideas and topics I picked a few that I was really interested in and researched about them individually, but in the end I decided to research and use the topic of Traditional Medicine.
“Traditional medicine is the sum total of knowledge, skills and practices based on the theories, beliefs and experiences indigenous to different cultures that used to maintain health, as well as to prevent, diagnose, improve or treat physical and mental illness.”
-WHO, World Health Organization
The physical Box
The book case is made with 3mm MDF wood, with a clear 3mm acrylic slider and cardboard dividers. I used illustrator to draw out all the measurments and little designs. Once I was happy with how it looked on illustrator I made a prototype to test out the measurements with the wires and the fingerprint mechanism in it before I laser cut the actual the piece.
Arduino Work
Making the fingerprint scan which only included a few lights, an Arduino and a conductivity sensor. The mechanism of the fingerprint is that it’ll turn green after a few seconds once it senses the finger. The idea is that in the future with more refined and better knowledge of technology, there could be a possibility of having a finger print sensor that can scan for illnesses. The green lights shows that the finger print scanned your finger and has scanned for illness and symptoms.
the mechanics and since the capacity sensor is a little bit sensitive sometime
Herba Kit Manual
I created the manual really quickly in Adobe indesign. I added all the information about each herb into the manual with a few recipes that contained a few of the ingredients in the book. Because I didn’t have a lot of time to make the manual because I was really focused on the physical parts, I wasn’t able to edit a lot of the manual. And since it was quick the research and information of each herb isn’t very scientifically accurate.