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Amanda Lucey

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Chateroo is a App that’ll help you connect and settle into Dublin.


Chateroo is mainly for international students coming into Dublin. It allows you to filter the people you would like to meet by their age and or by their gender. It also collects your interests and recommend communities and events that you might interested in. The App will help you be more active in Dublin, to help you feel more welcomed and comfortable.


From my experience as an international students here in Dublin in the beginning everything was so new and I didn’t know what to do or what there is to do in Dublin. From those experience I was able to create an idea that could help many other students in Dublin as well.



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Hidden treasures of ‘The Liberties’- in a group of 3 we went around the liberties taking pictures of the area and  anything interesting that caught our attention. We also interviewed tourists in the area and a few locals to get some insights for an app that we would create.

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Creating a Persona

By using the insights from the research, I was able to create a persona and scenario that would be used as the centre of the app.

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Before going onto XD to create the app, I first started with some sketches to portray my ideas. Once I was happy with my prototype. I proceeded to then use XD to play with what kind of layout I wanted the app to be and I was able to play around and experiment with different colours and layouts that could possibly suit the app.

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Process Shots